I regularly publish articles and videos on a variety of fitness topics that can help you get and stay more active. If you would like to suggest a topic, please contact me.
Tips for Show Shoveling
Snow shoveling is a full body workout. Prevent injury by treating it seriously. Do a dynamic warmup before you head outside and practice good form. These tips will help you.
Warmup for Snow Shoveling
Among my advice for snow shoveling is to do a dynamic warmup before you get dressed and head out.
You may not think you need a warmup. You may feel stressed and short on time. But doing a warmup, along with taking frequent breaks, is important for avoiding injury.
January 1st Is Just One Day of the Year
I like New Year’s Resolutions. I like the whooshing noise they make as they fall away.
Resolutions have good aspects and bad. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Train for Snow Shoveling Season
I want you to get your body ready for snow shoveling season. Every year, many people go from being sedentary right out to lifting loads of wet snow and they get injured. Even if you have been active this summer and fall, those activities may not have prepared you for the specifics of snow shoveling.
Let’s take a look at the muscles and movements used for shoveling snow and begin to get in shape for the season.
Exercise Snacks vs. Movement Snacks
Which is better exercise snacks or movement snacks? Answer: The ones that you do are the good ones, plain and simple.
However, what—if anything—is the difference between a movement snack and an exercise snack? And, for that matter, what is a movement snack, and what is an exercise snack?
Why I Recommend Neoprene-Coated Hexagon Dumbbells
When I am asked to recommend dumbbells for someone I ask a bunch of questions and tailor my answer to that person. But my favorite dumbbells to use and the ones I recommend most often are neoprene-coated hexagon dumbbells. Here's why.
7 Benefits of Walking
There are many benefits to walking. Here are seven to inspire you to make walking your new hobby!
Movement Snacks
Movement Snacks have been popping up all over. The idea that we can improve our heath with short easy bursts of movement is a powerful one. And, fortunately for us, the fact that it works is backed up with research.
Central Iowa Yoga in the Park 2024
Summer is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy yoga in the park. Many communities offer a yoga in the park program. They arrange for a certified yoga instructor to come and teach, and you just need to show up with a yoga mat or blanket. Here is a list of all the 2024 central Iowa yoga in park offerings I could find.
How to Use a Yoga Strap
Yoga straps can be used for carrying a yoga mat and to aid specific stretches and yoga poses.
Any yoga strap will work for these stretches.