How and Why to Stretch with a Multi-Grip Exercise Strap

A multi-grip exercise strap, also known as a multi-grip stretch strap or stretch strap with loops, is an excellent tool for stretching and flexibility.

In order to get the most benefit from a stretch, you must be able to relax in the stretched position. Any long strap, such as a belt, towel, or yoga strap, can be helpful for this. (Read my article How to Use a Yoga Strap for ideas.)

The multi-grip strap has many loops which offer additional benefits which you will see in these example stretches.

How to Use a Multi-Grip Exercise Strap for Stretching

Seated Wide-Legged Forward Fold

Using a strap with seated forward folds helps you prevent your back from rounding and helps you get a deeper hamstring stretch. The many loops of the multi-grip exercise strap accomodate both feet and both hands in the wide-legged forward fold.

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs out ahead of you. Place one end loop of the strap on each foot.

  2. Widen your legs. Find comfortable grips for your hands. Keep the strap taut between each hand and foot, and let it go slack between your hands.

  3. Point your toes straight toward the ceiling or slightly inward. Inhale, lengthen your spine, and tilt your pelvis so that the top comes forward and the tailbone goes back. Exhale and hinge forward at your hips, keeping your back long and unbent.

  4. Adjust your grip on the loops so the strap stays taut between each hand and foot.

  5. Hold for 30 seconds or so.

W or Cactus Chest Stretch

I love this stretch with a strap vs without because I feel like I am just hanging my arms off the strap and don't need to control them. The looped strap is even better than a flat strap because I do not need to grip the strap—I can relax my hands.

This stretch can be done either seated or standing.

  1. Hold the strap in front of you with your hands in loops greater than shoulder width apart.

  2. Lift your arms overhead and bend your elbows to form cactus arms, goal posts, or the letter W. If the distance between your hands is not comfortable, bring your arms forward, reposition your hands, and then lift them back overhead.

  3. Breathe in, open your chest, and relax. Hold for 30 seconds or 5 slow breaths.

Standing Quadricep Stretch

A strap makes standing quadricep stretch easier for folks who have difficulty reaching around and grabbing their foot with their hand.

  1. Stand next the wall or sturdy furniture, with your right hand resting there for balance. Loop one end of the strap around your left foot/ankle.

  2. Drape the strap over your left shoulder. Breathe in and lengthen your spine. Grab a loop with your left hand and pull your foot up toward your butt.

  3. Hold for 30 seconds. Then repeat the steps for the other side.

Kneeling Hip Flexor and Quadricep Stretch

If your knee is unbothered by resting on the ground, this position is a good way to get a deep stretch all along the front of your hip and your quadriceps.

  1. Position yourself half-kneeling on the floor with your right foot flat and a pad or folded quilt under your left knee. Loop one end of the strap around your left ankle. Consider touching the wall or a chair with your right hand for balance.

  2. Drape the strap over your left shoulder. Breathe in and lengthen your spine. Grab a loop with your left hand and pull your foot up off the floor.

  3. Make adjustments such as shifting forward and/or pulling your foot higher until you feel a good stretch on the front of your left hip and left thigh.

  4. Hold there for 20 to 30 seconds. Then repeat the steps for the other side.

Apley Scratch Stretch

If you lack the shoulder mobility to bring your hands together behind you, using a strap allows your hands to connect an gives you the means to bring them closer.

This stretch can be done either seated or standing.

  1. With your strap in hand, lift your right arm up overhead. Bend your arm down behind your head, palm forward, and wrist straight. The strap should fall down along your spine.

  2. Bring your left arm behind your back at your waist, palm facing outward, and wrist straight. Grab a loop of the dangling strap.

  3. Keep your back straight and take a slow breath as you move your elbows back and stretch your chest.

  4. Move your left hand up one loop, if possible, and repeat the slow breath and stretch. (Repeat the move and stretch, if possible.)

  5. In the final position, hold for 30 seconds or 5 slow breaths. Then repeat the steps on the other side.

Benefits of a Multi-Grip Exercise Strap

All of the stretches described above can be performed with a smooth strap, belt, or beach towel, but the loops of the multi-grip exercise strap make things easier.

The strap has hand holds all the way along its length. This allows you to vary your grip and hold onto the strap as you move deeper into a stretch.

The loops prevent your hands from slipping. You do not need to rely on your grip strength to keep ahold of the strap.

This style strap may feel bulky and awkward at first, but with practice you can get used to using the hand holds and adjusting the length of the strap.

Note: If you would like a custom program and personal guidance for stretching and strengthening, please contact me.

Note: If you are healthy and make only gradual increases to your activity level, you do not need to consult a health care professional before you begin. However, if you have one or more chronic conditions or plan to make a big change, see your doctor first. Always work within your ability. With any activity/exercise program, if you feel faint or dizzy or experience pain or loss of balance, you should stop immediately.


Central Iowa Yoga in the Park 2025