How to Use a Yoga Strap

Yoga straps can be used for carrying a yoga mat and to aid specific stretches and yoga poses.

My favorite yoga strap is the style with a sliding loop at each end. These loops can be ignored during stretching—they are what makes the strap a mat carrier.

Any yoga strap will work for these stretches.

How to Stretch with a Yoga Strap

In order to get the most benefit from a stretch, you need to be in the stretched position and be able to relax. This is why a strap is helpful. For example, if you are straining to reach your toes in a seated forward fold, you are not relaxed. In this case, simply loop a strap around your toes and hold the strap.

Here are some examples of stretches with a yoga strap. After looking at these, I'm sure you will have even more ideas. Feel free to leave a comment.

W Chest Stretch

The yoga strap can give you more control of your arms so that you can relax your chest muscles more fully.

This stretch can be done either seated or standing.

  1. Hold the strap in front of you with your hands greater than shoulder width apart.

  2. Lift your arms overhead and bend your elbows to form cactus arms, goal posts, or the letter W.

  3. Breathe in, open your chest, and relax. Hold for 30 seconds or 5 slow breaths.

Supine Hand-to-Toe Stretch

Using a strap for supine hand-to-toe allows you to reach your toe without rounding your back. With the strap, your leg can extend all the way and your shoulders can remain on the ground.

  1. Lie on your back, bend your right knee to your chest, loop the strap around the ball of your right foot.

  2. Straighten your right leg upward with both ends of the strap in your right hand. Keep your arm straight and keep both your shoulders on the floor. Extend your right heel to the ceiling, feeling a comfortable stretch in your hamstrings.

  3. Hold for 5 slow breaths.

  4. Let your right leg drift out sideways toward the floor on your right side. Keep your hips and shoulders flat on the floor. Find a comfortable stretch in your groin.

  5. Hold for 5 slow breaths.

  6. Bring your leg back up to center and then back down to the floor. Repeat both positions with your left leg.

Prone Hip Flexor Stretch

The yoga strap allows you to reach your foot and to pull it far enough to create a stretch on the front side of your hip.

  1. Lie on your belly with the strap wrapped around one foot.

  2. Use the strap to pull your foot up toward your butt. If you don’t feel the stretch yet, pull more to lift your knee off the ground.

  3. Hold for 30 seconds, and then do it on the other side.

Cow Face Arms / Apley Scratch Test

If you lack the shoulder mobility to bring your hands together behind you, using a strap allows your hands to connect.

This stretch can be done either seated or standing.

  1. With your yoga strap in hand, lift your right arm up overhead. Bend your arm down behind your head, palm forward, and wrist straight.

  2. Bring your left arm behind your back at your waist, palm facing outward, and wrist straight. Grab the dangling strap.

  3. Keep your back straight and walk your hands towards each other as much as you comfortably can.

  4. Hold for 30 seconds or 5 slow breaths, and repeat the stretch on the other side.

Seated Forward Fold

Using a strap with seated forward fold helps you prevent your back from rounding and helps you get a deeper hamstring stretch.

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs out ahead of you. Loop the strap around both feet.

  2. Point your toes straight toward the ceiling. Exhale and hinge forward at your hips. Inhale and straighten/lengthen your spine.

  3. Hold for 30 seconds.

Seated Calf Stretch

Using a strap with seated calf stretch allows you to reach your toes.

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs out ahead of you. Loop a strap around one foot.

  2. Sit up tall and pull your toes toward you. Feel the stretch in the back of your calf.

  3. Hold for 30 seconds, and repeat on the other side.

If you prefer, you can sit on a chair with one foot flat on the floor and use the strap to stretch the other leg out straight.

How to Carry a Yoga Mat with a Yoga Strap

Using your yoga strap makes it easy to carry your yoga mat and and keeps the two items together.

If your yoga mat has a loop on each end like mine, pull one loop open far enough and slide an end of the rolled up mat in. Pull the loop tight. Repeat on the other end. Then sling the strap over your shoulder.

If your yoga strap is a style without loops, you can tie it on each end of your rolled up mat.

Note: If you would like a custom program and personal guidance for stretching and strengthening, please contact me.

Note: If you would like to learn how to make a yoga strap, please read my article “Sew Your Own Yoga Strap.”

Note: If you are healthy and make only gradual increases to your activity level, you do not need to consult a health care professional before you begin. However, if you have one or more chronic conditions or plan to make a big change, see your doctor first. Always work within your ability. With any activity/exercise program, if you feel faint or dizzy or experience pain or loss of balance, you should stop immediately.


Central Iowa Yoga in the Park 2024


Quilters Stretches