Couch to 5K Walk

If your goal is to walk a 5K, this plan starts wherever you are and gets you to your goal. Begin by seeing which week of the plan is most similar to your current activity level, and start there. Repeat weeks whenever you need or want. If you get derailed for whatever reason, jump back in by maybe starting over, or maybe picking up a week or two before where you left off. This plan is flexible.

Week One

Start by walking 10 minutes a day. Since hardly anyone likes walking in a downpour, give yourself some wiggle room and make your goal “5–7 days a week.” But do try for seven days.

To make this easy, look at your watch and walk five minutes out, turn around, and walk back. Don’t worry if the total time is a little over or a little under ten minutes. Don’t worry at all about how far or how fast you walk.

This “week” might be one, two, or more weeks long. Keep working at it until it becomes a habit.

Week Two

Now that walking 10 minutes a day is reasonably comfortable, make one of your daily walks 20 minutes long. Continue to walk 10 minutes a day on the remaining days.

Week Three

Now add another 20-minute walk, so that you complete two 20-minute walks sometime during the week. Allow a day or more between them. Walk 10 minutes a day on the days you don’t walk 20 minutes.

For example: Monday 10, Tuesday 20, Wednesday 10, Thursday 10, Friday 20, Saturday 10, and Sunday 10.

Week Four

Make one of those walks longer, so that you complete one 30-minute walk and one 20-minute walk sometime during the week. Allow a day or more between them. Walk 10 minutes a day on the days you don’t walk longer.

For example: Monday 10, Tuesday 30, Wednesday 10, Thursday 10, Friday 20, Saturday 10, and Sunday 10.

Check Your Time

After Week Four, note how far you walked on your 30-minute walk. If it was a mile or more, continue to Week Five. If it was less, don’t worry, simply repeat Week Four.

If you are staying on Week Four, add some speedwork to your 20- and 30-minute walks. Stroll for five minutes, alternate brisk walking and slow walking for the middle part of the walk, and finish with five to ten minutes of relaxed walking.

Plan Some New Routes

Now is a good time to find some local walking trails. New scenery can be inspiring. Check the parks department website where you live as they often include descriptions and distances.

Think about joining a regular walking group. The companionship can be very motivating. If you live in central Iowa, join my walking series: Soft Trail Stroll!

Check Your Shoes

Before you begin to walk longer distances, take a look at your shoes. Are they falling apart? Are they uncomfortable? Check your feet for blisters. Do you have any shin pain? Before continuing to Week Five, make sure you resolve any of these problems. Ask your local running store for help.

Week Five

This week, do three one-mile walks spaced throughout the week, and continue to walk 10 minutes a day on the other days. For example, walk one mile on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and walk ten minutes on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Depending how fast you walk, this might be quite a jump from Week Four. Take it easy on yourself and rest when needed. As always, you can spend as many weeks as you need on this “week.”

Week Six

Now it’s time to lengthen one of those three walks. Complete one 1.5-mile walk and two one-mile walks. Walk 10 minutes a day on the other days. Space your long walks through the week. For example, do them on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Week Seven

This week the longest walk gets longer. Complete one two-mile walk and two one-mile walks. As always, walk 10 minutes a day on the other days.

Week Eight

You are almost there! The longest walk gets longer again. Complete one 2.5-mile walk and two one-mile walks, and walk 10 minutes a day on the other days.

Week Nine

Complete one 3.1-mile walk, and walk 10 minutes a day on the other days. Congratulations!

Now choose your next goal. Do you want to walk farther? Faster? Do you want to try running? Let me know in the comments below, or contact me to write you a custom plan. Regardless, keep walking!

Note: If you live in central Iowa, join me for Soft Trail Stroll, a series of relaxing walks on our local natural-surface trails.


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