THAT was STEAMY!! And the trail was so overgrown in places that it represented an unacceptably high risk of poison ivy contact. But we did find all ten butterflies in @desmoinesparks Butterfly Hunt, so that was fun!!
Thank to to everyone who showed up for this adventure. I hope to see you next week (Tuesday, July 2nd) at Southwoods Park.
Let’s visit another park! Grandview Park is a 60-acre park at the corner of Easton Avenue and East 33rd Street in Des Moines. Park in the lot along East 32nd Street by the disc golf course. We will meet there by 10:00 a.m.
Our walk will use the Grandview Nature Trail, the paved roads in the park, and some disc golf paths to make a loop of 1.9 miles. If the nature trail is muddy, we will walk only on the pavement. Either way, we will walk slowly, think “stroll,” and no one will be left behind.
Most of the route is dirt singletrack, punctuated with with roots and rocks. Hiking poles are useful, but not a necessity.
Des Moines Parks and Recreation is promoting a butterfly hunt this month at Grandview Park, so we will have to keep our eyes open for the special butterflies.
“Special butterflies are hiding on the trail within Grandview Park.🦋 Take a hike on the trail and look for these hidden creatures. Will you be able to find them? 🔎 Take a picture and tag us [@desmoinesparks] if you are able to capture a picture with one! 📸 These colorful butterflies will be calling the park their home until the end of June so be sure to stop by before they head out!”
Every week or so I lead a group walk on a different trail.
My goals for this series are to help people looking for a simple way to become more active, and to increase appreciation of our local soft trails.
What is a soft trail? Simply, it is an unpaved trail. Its surface may be dirt, grass, or crushed rock/gravel. I am an avid mountain biker and know all these trails very well. I can guarantee that no one will get lost!
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Learn more about the Grandview Park Trail from the Central Iowa Trail Association.