UPDATE MON 2/17 12:36PM: From the National Weather Service Des Moines: “Extreme Cold Watch for tonight/Tuesday converted to a Warning north and Advisory south.”
"Extreme Cold Warning: Take Action! An Extreme Cold Warning is issued when dangerously cold air temperatures or wind chill values are expected or occurring. If you are in an area with an Extreme Cold Warning, avoid going outside. If you have to go outside, dress in layers, cover exposed skin, and make sure at least one other person knows your whereabouts. Update them when you arrive safely at your destination."
Tuesday’s walk at Center is officially canceled.
Join us for a fun walk on Rollercoaster at Center Trails in Des Moines. Meet in the Ashworth Pool parking lot at the end of 45th Street by 10:00 a.m.
This walk begins by heading up the road to the lagoon where we will head up into the woods. The dirt trail snakes southward, and we return on the paved Bill Riley Trail for a total of 1.5 miles.
If the trails are muddy, we will stick to the paved trails instead. Either way, we will walk slowly, think “stroll,” and no one will be left behind.
The trail name is Rollercoaster, and it will be hilly. The route is dirt singletrack, with many roots and rocks. Hiking poles will be quite useful on this route, but not a necessity.
I lead group walks on different trails a few times a month. This free Soft Trail Stroll series is designed to help people looking for a simple way to become more active, and to increase appreciation of our local soft trails.
What is a soft trail? Simply, it is an unpaved trail. Its surface may be dirt, grass, or crushed rock/gravel. I am an avid mountain biker and know all these trails very well. I can guarantee that no one will get lost!
View the weather cancellation policy at www.roccasecca.fitness.stroll.
Soft Trail Stroll walks are endorsed by the Iowa Healthiest State Initiative.
They endorse events in Iowa whose primary purpose contributes to the goals of the Healthiest State Initiative and improves well-being in the state of Iowa.
View the HSI Event Calendar to learn more.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Learn more about Center Trails from the Central Iowa Trail Association.